PERRY STREET In the early days of Trenton there was no Perry Street. The thoroughfare that now bears that title was opened for public travel in September, 1813, a few weeks after Commodore Perry won the Battle of Lake Erie, thereby startling the British as well as the rest of the world with the prowess and bravery of the American sailors. Today Perry Street is an important artery in the traffic system of Trenton and forms a much-traveled route to the centre of the city.

PERRY STREET In the early days of Trenton there was no Perry Street. The thoroughfare that now bears that title was opened for public travel in September, 1813, a few weeks after Commodore Perry won the Battle of Lake Erie, thereby startling the British as well as the rest of the world with the prowess and bravery of the American sailors. Today Perry Street is an important artery in the traffic system of Trenton and forms a much-traveled route to the centre of the city.
