
Haus zu vermieten, Münsterstrasse 8, 55116 Rheinland-Pfalz - Mainz |

Münsterstrasse 8, 55116 Rheinland-Pfalz - Mainz

Haus zu vermieten 730
Münsterstrasse 8, 55116 Rheinland-Pfalz - Mainz


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Ausstattung: Einbauküche, Badewanne, Dusche, Stufenloser Zugang, WG-geeignet

There's one living room, one bedroom, a kitchen and toilet, altogether around 55m2 so good for couple and quite a lot of space for one person. The kitchen belongs to me so it will stay there but all other furniture, lights, curtains will be removed by the current tenant so you have to bring your own furniture.

There are supermarkets nearby: Lidl, Penny, Rewe, Teegut and banks and post office. Also it's near to city centre, just 7-8 minutes on foot and a small park just next to the apartment, near Schillerplatz. Tram is just few minutes from the apartment and around 5-7 min from the Hbf

Try not to call on Tuesday but other times are fine with me ;) Feel free to call or drop me a message for any more details. Prefer students or workers, not so many parties and keeping the place clean

Falls wir ein neues Angebot oder eine Preisveränderung des bestehenden Angebots Häuser zu vermieten erhalten, werden wir Sie per E-Mail informieren.

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