
3-Zimmer Wohnung zum Verkauf, 01189 Dresden (Kleinpestitz/Mockritz) |

Etagenwohnung in Dresden (Kleinpestitz/Mockritz) zum Kauf mit 3 Zimmer und 62,43 m² Wohnfläche. Ausstattung: Fernheizung, Zentralheizung.

3-Zimmer Wohnung zum Verkauf 119.000 62 m²
01189 Dresden (Kleinpestitz/Mockritz)


- + Suche


- hall: 8,16 m²
- bathroom: 3,43 m²
- kitchen: 5,18 m²
- balcony: 1,84 m² (25%)
- living room: 20,72 m²
- bedroom one: 10,85 m²
- bedroom two: 12,25 m²

1. Geschoss
frei ab directly

The greatest advantage of this three room apartment is definitely its unhasty surrounding on one side and its closeness to the inner city of Dresden on the other side. You can enjoy a stunning view from the balcony, which is in a southward direction. The whole property is in good condition.

This apartment is to be used as a shared apartment as well as for commuters, singles or couples. A whole bunch of possibilities for investors as well.

The apartment is free and has already been prepared for renovation.

vermietbare Fläche: 62,43 m², Anzahl der Schlafzimmer: 2, Anzahl der Badezimmer: 1, Bundesland: Sachsen, 6 Etagen, Distanz zur Autobahn: 1.50, Distanz vom Zentrum: 3.20

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