
4-Zimmer Wohnung zu vermieten, Austrasse, 66849 Rheinland-Pfalz - Landstuhl |

Austrasse, 66849 Rheinland-Pfalz - Landstuhl

4-Zimmer Wohnung zu vermieten 1.600 117 m²
Austrasse, 66849 Rheinland-Pfalz - Landstuhl


- + Suche


Wohnungstyp: Etagenwohnung

Ausstattung: Möbliert/Teilmöbliert, Balkon, Einbauküche, Badewanne, Dusche, Gäste WC, Neubau, Aufzug, Keller, Garage/Stellplatz, Garten/-mitnutzung

Property Type: Furnished or Unfurnished Apartment (same cost)
Size: 117 sq meters
Directly in Landstuhl behind town hall, 6th floor with beautiful view, quiet
1600 E all inclusive of Nebenkosten
Bedrooms: 3
Bathrooms: 1.5 newly remodeled with washer-drier included in .5 bathroom
Large Balcony (with furniture if desired)--view from living room and master bedroom
Living-Room/Dining Room with large, 3 section, pull-out wardrobe
Beautiful kitchen with small table for two
Includes Telephone with Flat-rate to US and Europe
TV with cable and internet connection included
Heat, water, and electricity included in our name (no need to go to utility companies)
6 blocks from train; 30 min. walk up hill to Landstuhl hospital
Landstuhl has many good restaurants (German, Greek, Vietnamese, Italian, Chinese, etc.)
Unfortunately, no children or pets
New and large elevator
Photos upon request.
Owners American and nearby

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