
3-Zimmer Wohnung zu vermieten, 12629 Berlin - Hellersdorf |


3-Zimmer Wohnung zu vermieten 1.099
12629 Berlin - Hellersdorf


Hello everyone,
We will be vacating our current apartment very soon (target date: 01.07.2024). Our current landlord is a company, and we will be able to recommend a new tenant for after we leave. The apartment is located in the Marzahn-Hellersdorf area (12629) in a new building. The 72 m² apartment has an open kitchen along with a living room and 2 bedrooms. It also has a bathroom and a small storage room. We were the first tenants, and we took over the apartment unfurnished. We will share any applications we receive with the company, considering the information below.
We bought the kitchen new from IKEA. Since the new apartment we are moving to has a built-in kitchen, we would like to transfer the kitchen to the next tenant for a fee. This condition is important to us. You can also see the invoice. The warranty documents for the oven and stove are still available.
Apart from the kitchen cabinets, we would also prefer to transfer the refrigerator and dishwasher.
Additionally, there will be some other items that we no longer need, and we can discuss these based on the needs of the next tenant.
An unlimited contract can be made, and Anmeldung (registration) will, of course, be possible.
The current warm rent for the apartment is €1,099. The cold rent is €852, and a deposit of 3x the cold rent is required. I don’t know if the company will apply the same rate for the new tenant, but they haven’t shared any different rent information.
You can come to see the apartment by appointment. You can also see it in the attached photos.
Since the complex prioritizes seniors, the landlord company has specified that the new tenant should be around 50 years old. They have also stated that applications from those who do not meet this requirement will not be considered.
The list of documents required by the landlord company is as follows:
• Identification cards
• Confirmation from the current landlord that there are no rental arrears
• Proof of income for the last 3 months
• Recent Schufa information
• An informal private legal agreement, signed by all parties, for anything the new tenant wants to take over from the apartment (necessary painting work, built-in kitchen, etc.)
You will need to send the documents to us first. If you have any concerns, you can add a watermark to your documents.
Thank you

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