
3-Zimmer Wohnung zu vermieten, 13583 Berlin - Spandau |


3-Zimmer Wohnung zu vermieten 445
13583 Berlin - Spandau


I'm looking for someone to take my apartment after me. The apartment is located in Spandau a couple minutes from Sbahn, Ubahn, Bus and DB bahnhof. It's a 3 room apartment approximately 40m2 with a 4m2 balcony. 3 minutes away is a bus stop, many restaurants and Edeka. Behind the building is a really nice park. The apartment is very warm and cozy. The apartment is after reconstruction, the kitchen was made custom and the price for the kitchen is 1000 eur including the fridge and dishwasher. It would be really great for me if you will be willing to buy the furniture for a fair price for sure.

!!!Documents that must be supplied for the rental!!!
Schufa Auskunft
Last 3 payslips - with a minimum netto income 2100 eur!!
Criminal record
ID card or Passport

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