
3-Zimmer Wohnung zu vermieten, 13353 Mitte - Wedding |


3-Zimmer Wohnung zu vermieten 550
13353 Mitte - Wedding


I am in search of two new roommates. 

I would like to turn my spacious 90m2 3 room flat into a 3 people WG (m/f/f).

The flat is located just 150m from the Nordufer and also 150m from the U9. And just 1km away from Plötzensee and Rehberge.

Everything needed for a comfortable living is within walking range.

I really appreciate soft feminine vibes at home, maybe also because for everything else I do I mostly work with men only somehow.

Also my experience showed, that unless it’s a couple situation, a 2 people WG can get easily very intense. That’s why I am looking for two roomies that bring soft, clean feminine vibes into this space.

My biggest passion is playing and composing my own songs on the piano. Although I usually dont play for hours every day, and I also have a shared houseboat with a piano and a campervan with a piano so I got plenty of retreat space in case my soul wants to play a lot. 
But you should definitely be someone that can appreciate artistic vibes at home.

Besides I practice yoga and meditation daily.

And in all honesty I have ADD, the artists disease as I call it. So, sometimes my life can get a little chaotic for a while, but in the end I also like to live in a clean and tidy space, do my mediations and yoga. If in chaos I just need a compassionate reminder. Besides I love cooking, and eating together. 

So if you want to create your cosy place here, and you think you would bring soft, clean vibes into this space please reach out and come over for a visit.

Musicians and artists and yogis are very welcome.

If you have any substance addictions, this place is not for you. Including drinking and weed addictions.

Smoking only strictly outside the flat. And preferred non smokers. 

That being said, I do like festivals, I do like parties and celebrations and electronic music (psy trance and Techno).
Just ADDICTIONS are crossing the line. 

I need one month deposit. The first three months I would suggest to make a 4 week contract. after that we can make it permanent. 

Folge dem Link für weitere Informationen:

Falls wir ein neues Angebot oder eine Preisveränderung des bestehenden Angebots 3-Zimmer Wohnungen zu vermieten erhalten, werden wir Sie per E-Mail informieren.


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