
2-Zimmer Wohnung zum Verkauf, Antwerpener Str. 14, 13353 Mitte - Wedding |


2-Zimmer Wohnung zum Verkauf 265.000
Antwerpener Str. 14, 13353 Mitte - Wedding


# Objektbeschreibung
We are offering a well-cut 2.5-room apartment in a well-kept residential ensemble, which was built around 1929. The offered condominium will be sold as an investment in the current condition. It has been rented for an unlimited period since 1975. A personal use is not possible! Further details about the renting conditiones you will get with closer interest.

Kaufpreis pro m²: 4.023,00 €

Käuferprovision: 3,57% inkl. gesetzl. MwSt.

Vermietbare Fläche: ca. 65,88 m²

# Lagebeschreibung
The apartment building is located in the Berlin district "Wedding", only a few meters to the so called "Zeppelinpark", in a moderately busy side street. Residential buildings with landscaped courtyards and various parks characterize the neighborhood. It is only a few minutes' walk to the underground station "Leopoldplatz" (U6, U9) and to Berlin's Beuth University of Applied Sciences (BHT). The connection to public transportation is very good. By subway you can reach the "Gendarmenmarkt" in Berlin-Mitte in 20 min. By bus, you can reach Berlin's main train station "Hauptbahnhof" in 20 min as well. The larger shopping streets (Müllerstraße, Leopoldplatz) are within easy walking distance. Also various gastronomic establishments, supermarkets and service stores are located in the vicinity.

# Sonstiges
If you are interested in this offer, please feel free to send us an inquiry via the internet portal or contact us via e-mail:
For questions about the object you can also reach Fabian Sautter mobile at +49 151 27003920

Bei Interesse an diesem Angebot senden Sie uns bitte gern eine Anfrage über das Internetportal oder kontaktieren Sie uns via E-Mail:
Für Fragen zum Objekt erreichen Sie Fabian Sautter auch mobil unter 0151 27003920

Anbieter-Objekt-ID: 6587

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Falls wir ein neues Angebot oder eine Preisveränderung des bestehenden Angebots 2-Zimmer Wohnungen zum Verkauf erhalten, werden wir Sie per E-Mail informieren.


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