
1-Zimmer Wohnung zu vermieten, 99089 Thüringen - Erfurt |


1-Zimmer Wohnung zu vermieten 307
99089 Thüringen - Erfurt



The apartment has three rooms with a shared kitchen and bathroom. It is enclosed in a safe housing complex at ground floor, making it very easy to put out trash or store your bike.

The room is 14m², quite spacious with high ceilings, in a 3-person flat-share. The window contains built in blinds, that can make the room completely dark. Also, the window is big enough to let a lot of natural light in. It's also quite good if you like to keep plants in the room. The room is next to a quiet street and there's never any noise from the neighbors. I'll be leaving the bed for the next person to take over. The bed isn't that old and I recently bought new bed slats.

The Bathroom contains a shower-bathtub and all other essentials. We recently bought a new washing machine as well. The Kitchen is also equipped with the essentials, working stove, a fridge, microwave and oven. It does need a new dishwasher if you are interested.


The apartment is located in one of the nicest areas in Erfurt. There is direct access to the park in "Little Venice" after a 2min walk. A little further, at 10 minutes walk is the Nordpark , where you can find an open-air swimming pool, among other things. Furthermore, the connection to the city center is excellent. It takes 10 minutes by bike to the Anger. To the cathedral square it is also only 10 min by bike. If you want to walk,
you should plan 20 minutes in each direction. In case of bad weather you can also use the Trams.The stop Boyneburgufer is 5 minutes away. The University of Erfurt is 25 minutes away on foot. However, if you use the Bergstraße stop, you can cover the entire distance in just under 15 minutes. There are various shopping opportunities in the vicinity of the WG. In 7 minutes you can walk to an EDEKA. Norma and Penny can be reached in 10 min and in case of need you can get almost everything you need on the Anger.


You will be sharing the WG with Peter (29M) and Brijeshkumar (26M). Both are quite sociable and eager to help or chat if you need to. Peter is a musician and Brijesh is a software dev. Currently both of them also plan to leave the WG at some point, since Peter is mostly busy working at his music studio and is hardly home. And Brijeshkumar usually stays with his partner is a different city and is only two or three days at the WG. So you have a chance to set up the flat however you want in the future. It would help if you are also open-minded and relaxed and don't mind having a chat from time to time with the flatmates.


If the post interests you then please leave me a message on the app. Tell me a little about yourself and ask if you have any questions. Looking forward :)

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