
4-Zimmer Wohnung zum Verkauf, 10969 Berlin - Kreuzberg |


4-Zimmer Wohnung zum Verkauf 879.000
10969 Berlin - Kreuzberg


- + Suche


In the front building of a renovated old building from 1888 is the apartment in the Beletage. After the complete renovation in 2016, the living rooms with large windows and high-quality oak parquet present themselves in a well-kept condition. The newly created bathrooms with underfloor heating, bathtub or tropical shower as well as modern vanities and vanity units offer cozy comfort and plenty of storage space. In the course of the renovation, a new gas floor heating system was installed and the electrical system was renewed. Most recently, a video intercom system was installed in 2021.

The floor plan of the old building apartment is also ideal for families. Originally, the apartment had four rooms. During the renovation in 2016, two rooms were combined into a spacious living and dining room. If necessary, the original floor plan can be easily restored by pulling in a straight wall. Thus, the 3-room apartment becomes a full-fledged 4-room apartment. From the living room and dining room, restored double doors with a Brass fitting lead into the modern kitchen and hallway. From the hallway you reach the bedroom with attached daylight bathroom en suite, the children's room, the master bathroom and a guest toilet.

The bright, high-quality and modern kitchen of the Nolte brand with its 4.60 meter long work surface was built in 2017 and offers a pleasant ambience for cooking and spending time. Through the kitchen window, the view falls into the newly designed courtyard including the factory building, in which loft apartments were recently created.
The living room with dining area offers access to a small balcony. Through the balcony door and the windows with their skylights, a lot of daylight enters the large room. The bright children's room with its refurbished double box windows offers plenty of space to play thanks to its size and height. Overall, the extensively renovated apartment with its ceilings up to 3.60 meters high offers a successful combination of typical old building charm and an upscale, modern standard.

Weitere Angaben:
Objektzustand: neuwertig

Käuferprovision: 1,9% des Kaufpreises inkl. ges. MwSt.

It doesn't get more central than this: At the geographical center of Berlin, between the Jewish Museum and the Landwehr Canal, the apartment is located in a very quiet and green Kreuzberg location.
Great playgrounds, restaurants, stores, daycare centers, schools, parks and an outdoor pool are in the immediate neighborhood. Friends of modern arts.
Three bus lines as well as four subway lines ensure very good connections to public transportation. All inner-city districts can also be reached quickly by bike or car. For example, it takes 15 minutes to get to the main train station and 35 minutes to BER airport. Due to the direct neighborhood to the district Mitte, tourist attractions such as Checkpoint Charlie, Potsdamer Platz and Brandenburg Gate are only a few minutes away. The neighboring Bergmannkiez with its wine bars, cafés and stores is a cozy place to be. And those who prefer the vibrant nightlife will find numerous bars and restaurants around Oranienstraße.

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Energieausweis: Energiebedarfsausweis
Wesentliche Energieträger: Erdgas leicht
Endenergiebedarf: 228.8 kWh(m²*a)
Energieeffizienzklasse: G
Ausstellungsdatum: 17.08.2015
Gültig bis: 16.08.2025
Baujahr (gemäß Energieausweis): 1888
Letzte Modernisierung: 2016
Wesentliche Energieträger: Gas

Anbieter-Objekt-ID: 7265#pkC8UM

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