
1-Zimmer Wohnung zu vermieten, Thulestr. 49, 13189 Berlin, Pankow (Ortsteil) |

Wohnzimmer -- Bright 2 room apartment near Prenzelberg

1-Zimmer Wohnung zu vermieten 598 59 m²
Thulestr. 49, 13189 Berlin, Pankow (Ortsteil)


- + Suche


Dear Mr./Ms. to apply for the viewing please give us some Information about you an your situation: 1. Who and how many people want to move in? 2. How can we reach you (Email, mobile)? 3. What's your occupation or study? 4. Where do you live now and why do you want to move? 5. How will you finance livelihood and rent? 6. It would be nice to see a copy of your identity Card or a photo if possible This Information will help us to reduce the number of People for the viewing. You will find some Information , see "Grundriss"

Falls wir ein neues Angebot oder eine Preisveränderung des bestehenden Angebots 1-Zimmer Wohnungen zu vermieten erhalten, werden wir Sie per E-Mail informieren.

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